Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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VB Object Framework License
(c) Copyright 1996 Ken Fitzpatrick
All Rights Reserved
This product cannot be sold without permission from the author,
however it can be distributed freely, but only in the entirety of
the bundled files.
Automatic licensing of registered users of the DataAwareCollection
In appreciation of those registered users of the previously released
DataAwareCollection product ((c) 11/1995, Ken Fitzpatrick), those
registered users are automatically granted licenses to this version
of the VB Object Framework.
Those users are still bound by the following restrictions regarding
propogation and distribution.
Evaluation and Registration
This is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use this
software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30
days. If you use this software or any portion thereof after the
initial 30-day evaluation period, a registration fee of $29 per user
is required. See the file "Register.txt" for registration details.
Distribution and Propogation
Provided that you are distributing this package free of charge,
you are hereby licensed to make as many copies of this packaging
as you wish, provided your propogation neither adds, deletes nor
alters in any way the contents of the package you received. You can
give copies of the unmodified package to anyone. You can distribute
the unmodified package form via any means you wish, including
You are specifically prohibited from charging or requesting
donations for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the
software and/or documentation or any parts or portions thereof with
any other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written
permission from the author, with one exception:
Disk Vendors approved by the Association of
Shareware Professionals are permitted to redistribute
VB Object Framework, subject to the conditions in this license,
without specific written permission.
Special VBOF Wrappers
Only the VBOF Wrapper Class Modules found within this packaging are
deemed "standard" are are not subject to an additional fees. Any
requirement for Wrapper Class Modules for the ability to use other
products in an object-oriented manner are considered to be "Special
VBOF Wrappers". Arrangements must be made with the author for the
development of Special VBOF Wrappers. See the file "Register.txt"
for details.
Microsoft Visual Basic is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.